Monthly Archive: September, 2009

The Wilds of Prince Frederick

The Wilds of Prince Frederick, Calvert County, MD Wingstem (Verbesina alternifolia) is a native wildflower that has leaf tissue winging the stem, and hence the common name.  The tall perennial occurs both in… Continue reading

Humped Bladderwort

Humped Bladderwort  Utricularia gibba (OBL) also known as U. biflora The humped bladderwort is a native southeastern carnivorous aquatic plant that flowers from May through September.  The plant was classified as endangered by… Continue reading

Labor Day Weekend Pond Fishing

My youngest son Jeb and I went out fishing this morning, while Michelle prepared a picnic, with her family coming over in the afternoon.  We both caught several fish, but nothing to brag… Continue reading